Looking to Join a Clinically Integrated Network? Four Reasons Why It Makes Sense
Paul Hain, MD Paul Hain, MD

Looking to Join a Clinically Integrated Network? Four Reasons Why It Makes Sense

Independent physicians are pretty used to dealing with multiple pressures, from lack of time with patients to administrative, staffing and financial stresses. Healthcare business models have evolved to help independents manage these challenges. But simply learning how these models work and deciding which approach is the best can add another layer of stress…

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Can Primary Care Physicians Remain Independent?
Michael Pittman Michael Pittman

Can Primary Care Physicians Remain Independent?

The Alo team consistently hears two concerns from independent physician practice leaders: You want to continue making your own decisions about patient care and your business, and you want to make the right decisions now to forge a sustainable path forward for your practice. Paul Hain, MD, Alo’s chief clinical officer, shares how practices can achieve both in this new video.

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Happy Birthday, Alo!
Matt Eirich Matt Eirich

Happy Birthday, Alo!

I can't believe that Alo is celebrating its two-year anniversary this month. Time has flown by, filled with excitement, growth, and meaningful impact. As we celebrate this milestone, I wanted to take a moment to reflect on our accomplishments and the remarkable progress we've made in just 24 months.

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Making Sure Independent Practices Have a Seat at the Table
Matt Eirich Matt Eirich

Making Sure Independent Practices Have a Seat at the Table

“You’re either at the table or on the menu.”

This is how the CEO of a large independent medical group described his current view of the dynamics in the market during a recent meeting. His sense of strategic urgency surprised me—his group is one of the larger independent groups in the region. If he was feeling uncertain about his place in the care delivery landscape, how must smaller groups with lesser resources be feeling?

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Independent Physicians Are Facing Complex Choices
Paul Hain, MD Paul Hain, MD

Independent Physicians Are Facing Complex Choices

As healthcare shifts to a value mindset, independently owned practices - especially in primary care - are fielding more inquiries from potential partners, suitors and service providers wanting to do business with the state’s remaining independents.

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Lisa Golden: Enhancing the Patient-Physician Interaction with Quality Care
Michael Pittman Michael Pittman

Lisa Golden: Enhancing the Patient-Physician Interaction with Quality Care

In the ever-evolving healthcare sector, delivering quality care with a patient-centric approach has proven to be incredibly therapeutic. When infused with operational expertise, it improves diagnostic accuracy, patient satisfaction and adherence to treatment. It holds the potential to influence patient outcomes, including pain control, mental health and day-to-day operational function. Lisa Golden, the Chief Operating Officer at Alo, understands the importance of making sure healthcare providers have enough time…

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